Free Money and Financial Assistance for Ex-Felons

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Because of their previous convictions, ex-felons can experience certain barriers to a successful life. Several parties have tried their best to provide financial assistance for ex-felons, be it from the government or certain organizations. To understand more about free money assistance for ex-felons, check out this post.

Getting Financial Assistance or Free Money for Ex-Convicts

Special loan and grant programs for ex-felons can avoid a bad life for them. Without a promising helping hand, they can live a life that is harder than most. While incarcerated, prisoners are not viewed favorably by the public.

Many bad stereotypes will come your way after committing a crime. Despite the burden, ex-felons can still have a normal life once they finish serving their sentence. To make life normal for ex-felons, several programs can help them.

The government will usually assist ex-felons be it financial, educational, or business-specific. Take the best second chance programs provided by both the government and certain organizations.

Why Ex-Felons Need Free Money?

After getting out of prison, difficult tasks will come your way. Not only will you have less to rely on in your life, the difficulties in life will also increase. Even if you have committed a crime before, consider it your past and move on.

Every ex-felons deserve a chance to start a new and better life. Make sure you repent of all the crimes you have committed before to start a new path. Special grants for ex-felons are the best savior for those who have successfully come out of prison.

The money obtained from the grant program can be used for various needs such as some of the things below:

  • Building a small business
  • Obtain an educational degree, formal or non-formal
  • Conduct science or social research
  • Purchase a variety of goods for commercial needs

There are many other reasons why ex-felons need to get free money from grant programs. The point is, that ex-felon grants can be life-changing to get a better life fate.

See also : Ex-Felons Scholarships: What You Need To Know

Financial Aid for Ex-Felons

One of the problems that ex-felons will face is financial. They may find it more difficult to receive financial assistance from various parties even though they are free from prison. Quite a few organizations provide promising assistance for ex-felons such as some below:

1. Prison Fellowship

Prison Fellowship is a national program that focuses on ex-convicts. This program will guide them to return to normal society without much difficulty. Ex-felons can get social and financial support from Prison Fellowship.

In this program, ex-felons will be mentored to reduce the likelihood of re-offending. They will be helped to get a job, lead a better lifestyle, and get an education degree.

2. Catholic Charities

Catholic Charities can also be a great resource for the new life of ex-felons. They will provide a wide variety of assistance to people who have been involved in criminal cases. Catholic Charities provides housing assistance, employment assistance, education assistance, and other assistance.

Any ex-felons can apply for a grant provided by Catholic Charities. They assist ex-convicts who are serious about repenting.

3. Fortune Society

Fortune Society helps those living in the Long Island, New Jersey, and NYC areas. The assistance provided by Fortune Society is similar to what is provided by other charities. Fortune Society provides a variety of assistance including employment, education, financial, and housing assistance. This organization will help those who have a strong will to return to living a good life with society.

4. Delancey Street Foundation

This is a foundation that has various reform programs that can benefit ex-felons. They can get back to living a normal life with a variety of assistance provided by this foundation be it free money, housing, and so on.

Those living in NYC, California, New Mexico, and North Carolina can benefit from this foundation.

Many other organizations assist ex-convicts. To get these grants, ex-felons must have a strong will to start a better life. With the help of the ex-felons grant, it can be used to build a business, achieve an educational degree, strengthen a career, and so on.

Assistance for ex-felons can come in many forms, including educational assistance, free money, business assistance, employment assistance, housing assistance, and so on. Make sure you read every requirement and prepare your best reason why you need the funds and how you will use them.